Ballarat Lodge and Convention Centre
Ballarat, Vic | 27-29 October 2013
There are still places available if you wanted to come along to Australian Men's Shed Association 5th National Conference!
Please click here to download a registration form and bring it along with you to the registration desk onsite at the Ballarat Lodge and Convention Centre.
You can contact us on 02 9954 4400 or 0467 410 905 if you have any questions.
We hope to see you in Ballarat.
For further information please contact the Secretariat: DC Conferences Pty Ltd
Suite 103, Lvl 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 | PO Box 637, North Sydney NSW 2059 | P: 612 9954 4400 | F: 612 9954 0666 | E: