The Australian Orthopaedic Association, How Do I do IT: insights into Common and Complex Procedures in Upper and Lower Limbs COE meeting was held at the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel, 14 – 15 July 2011.
The meeting was a great success attracting over 150 delegates. The program featured plenary sessions, a breakfast session and a Dinner Debate.
The Organising Committee would like to express their sincere thanks to all of those who contributed to meeting.
The Committee would also like to extend a special thank you to our industry partners for their ongoing support and participation.
The Continuing Orthopaedic Education Meetings for 2012
2-4 May – Traditional Meeting - Brisbane
19-20 July - Short, sharp meeting - Melbourne
For further info, please contact: Alison Fallon at AOA on 02 8071 8014