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  • Allergan

  • Ipsen Pty Ltd

  • Mundipharma

  • Restorative Therapies

  • Ipsen Pty Ltd

Social Program

Welcome Reception

Gala Dinner

Rural & Remote SIG Dinner


Welcome Reception

Tuesday 17 September 2013
5.30 pm - 7.00 pm 
Exhibition Area, Sheraton on the Park, Sydney 
Cost: Free for full registrants
Additional tickets: $60 per person 

Join us to celebrate the start of the conference with welcome drinks and canapes in the exhibition area at the Sheraton on the Park. Mingle with friends, sponsors and other delegates amongst the industry exhibition. 

The Welcome Reception is included in the registration fee for full registrants. Please indicate your intention to attend when registering for the conference.

Gala Dinner

Thursday 19 September 2013
7.00 pm - 11.00 pm
Sky Venue, Sydney Tower, Sydney
Cost: $130 per person 

A short stroll from the Sheraton on the Park, enjoy a 3 course meal, perched 305 metres above the Sydney CBD. Sky Venue is located at the top of Sydney Tower and is the highest event space in the southern hemisphere boasting uninterrupted views of the city.  

Rural and Remote Special Interest Group Dinner

Tuesday 17 September 2013
7.15 pm - 10.00 pm
Marigold Restaurant, 683-689 George Street, Sydney
Cost: $70 per person 

The Rural and Remote Special Interest Group is having a dinner meeting for members and their partners on Tuesday 17 September 2013 at Marigold Restaurant, in the heart of China Town. Enjoy a short walk through the CBD after the Welcome Reception to Marigold, where they offer the finest Chinese cuisine with authentic Cantonese flavour. 

Tickets are $70 each and include a banquet plus drinks. Partners welcome.