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Conference Sponsors
  • Allergan

  • Ipsen Pty Ltd

  • Mundipharma

  • Restorative Therapies

  • Ipsen Pty Ltd

SIG Meetings

Wednesday 18 September  xxxx Paediatric Rehabilitation
(RACP College, Level 6, 52 Phillip Street, Sydney)
    Rehabilitation and Older People
Thursday 19 September   Prosthetics and Orthotics
Friday 20 September   Musculoskeletal Medicine, Pain Medicine & Occupational Rehabilitation


  • SIG Meetings will be run at lunch time throughout the conference.
  • All SIG Meetings are onsite at the Sheraton on the Park, except for Paediatric Rehabiliation which will be held at the RACP College.
  • Due to the nature of the conference, only registered ASM delegates are able to access these meetings. The meetings will be face-to-face only and teleconference numbers will not be available. These meetings are not formal Annual Members Meetings. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Queries should be directed to

Rural and Remote Special Interest Group
Tuesday 17 September 2013
7.15 pm - 10.00 pm
Marigold's Restaurant, 683-689 George Street, Sydney
Cost: $70 per person 

The Rural and Remote Special Interest Group is having a dinner meeting for members and their partners on Tuesday 17 September 2013 at Marigolds Restaurant, in the heart of China Town. Enjoy a short walk through the CBD after the Welcome Reception to Marigolds, where they offer the finest Chinese cuisine with authentic Cantonese flavour. 

Tickets are $70 each and include a banquet plus drinks. Partners welcome.

Please indicate your intention to attend when registering for the conference.