Please click the links below for further information
Pre - Conference Workshops
Tuesday 17 September 2013, 9 am - 12.30 pm
AFRM Supervisor Skills Workshop SPDP 2
Tuesday 17 September 2013, 2 pm - 5.30pm
AFRM Supervisor Skills Workshop SPDP 1
Models of Care in Chronic Pain Rehabilitation
Resilience: Developing & maintaining resilience in our patients and ourselves
Post - Conference Workshops
Saturday 21 September 2013, 9 am - 3.30 pm
Occupational Rehabilitation (Trainee Workshop)
Saturday 21 - Sunday 22 September 2013, 9 am - 5 pm
Restorative Therapies - Satellite Workshop
For further information please contact the Conference Secretariat: DC Conferences Pty Ltd
Suite 103, Lvl 1, 3-5 West Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia | PO Box 637, North Sydney 2059
P: 612 9954 4400 | F: 612 9954 0666 | E: