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Concurrent Session Speakers



Dr Greg Bowring

Dr Greg Bowring is a Senior Rehabilitation Physician, Director of Rehabilitation Medicine at Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, conjoint Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at UNSW. He is the current Chair of the Faculty’s International Affairs Committee and the Prosthetics and Orthotics Special Interest Group. Dr Bowring's research interests include: stroke rehabilitation, carer stress, phantom limb pain, amputee rehabilitation, and implementation of new models of care to improve efficiency and effectiveness of rehabilitation.


Professor Ian Cameron

Professor Ian Cameron is a Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation Medicine and has the Chair in Rehabilitation Medicine, Sydney Medical School, at the University of Sydney. Ian has been awarded an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Practitioner Fellowship and is a clinician researcher. Concurrent with his academic position Ian is Director of Medical Services at Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney. He also has part-time clinical positions at Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital and Southern NSW Local Health District. 


Dr Pearl Chung

Dr Pearl Chung, MBBS / BMedSci, MPH is a Ph.D. candidate in major trauma and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, through the University of Melbourne. She recently completed a Masters of Public Health degree at Monash University, and is currently a trainee of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Her research interests are in ICF research; rehabilitation outcomes of major trauma and traumatic brain injury; its impact on social participation; caregiver impact; and cost-effectiveness of rehabilitation intervention.


Dr Alaeldin Elmalik

Dr Alaeldin Elmalik is a final year rehabilitation registrar at the Royal Park, Melbourne Health.


Associate Professor Steven Faux

A/Prof Steven Faux is the Director for Department of Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney A/Prof Faux has completed a number of studies in Pedestrian Trauma, the response to early rehabilitation for those with fractures, Mild Traumatic Brain injury and Post Traumatic Headache. He has introduced a parallel care model of trauma in which rehabilitation and acute care are intertwined, preventing the complications often associated with trauma and prolonged bed rest. he has completed the first Australian study in early rehabilitation following road trauma and will present outcomes of this RCT at AFRM ASM 2013 


Dr Sarah Kofoed

Dr Sarah Kofoed is a 3rd year registrar at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. Prior to commencing training in Rehabilitation Medicine she worked at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre doing research in the area of cancer and supportive care. Her particular interest is in Rehabilitation for patients with haematological malignancies.


Dr Edwin Luk

Dr Edwin Luk is a rehabilitation physician at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. After attaining fellowship in 2012 he is undertaking doctoral research in the area of pulmonary rehabilitation at the University of Melbourne. Having achieved a BMedSc degree with a thesis titled “Factors Determining the Natural History and Response to Therapy in Subjects with Chronic Hepatitis B“, his long term research interests is focused on the management of chronic medical conditions in a rehabilitation context.


Dr Louisa Ng

Dr Louisa Ng is a Rehabilitation Physician and the Supervisor of Intern Training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne. Her area of special interest is in neurological rehabilitation especially for chronic degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease. She completed her doctoral thesis titled “The use of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in Motor Neurone Disease Rehabilitation International Classification of Functioning”, through Melbourne University in 2011, one-week prior to the birth of her second child.  Her other interests include junior doctor welfare. She has published over 35 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals.


Dr Clive Sun

Dr Clive Sun trained in NSW and commenced private rehabilitation practice in Sydney 1995 with a special interest in musculoskeletal medicine, occupational rehabilitation and chronic pain. he joined St Vincents Hospital Pain Clinic & Rehabilitation Department in 2004 and is currently the Chair of MSK special interest group.


Dr Stuart Tan

Dr Stuart Tan is a Consultant Physician in Trauma and Rehabilitation Medicine based in NSW. He is the Director of HNE Polytrauma Rehabilitation Service, an innovative service catering for the needs of patients with severe polytrauma. Dr Tan was a former Director of Trauma at Royal North Shore Hospital, a Level 1 Trauma Centre in Sydney and was responsible for the establishment of the inaugural Trauma Ward.  Dr Tan has a special interest in musculoskeletal trauma and has been the Honorary Secretary of the Musculoskeletal, Pain & Occupational Medicine SIG of AFRM. He is a strong advocate of early rehabilitation input for severe trauma patients to maximise recovery and has a particular research interest on trauma outcome.



Dr Louise Tofts

Dr Louise Tofts is a paediatric rehabilitation specialist with a special interest in musculoskeletal conditions which cause disability in childhood. 



Dr Michael Vagg

Dr Michael Vagg is an executive member of the MSK SIG and AFRM representative on the Board of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. He works in both public and private services, and is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at Deakin University Medical School.


Mr Steven Wood

Mr Steven Wood is the Project Officer for COAG Subacute Programs in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. His role has included the evaluation of COAG subacute services and models of care to demonstrate efficiency, capacity and patient outcomes benefits. This evaluation was used to support the permanent funding of COAG programs by the district, and is highlighted in the SESLHD COAG reports.

He previously worked as a Physiotherapist at Prince of Wales Hospital, primarily in the clinical areas of acute neurosciences, stroke and general rehabilitation. Prior to commencing in the role of Project Officer, Steven was the Senior Physiotherapist for the COAG Acute Rehabilitation Therapy team.


Dr Jane Wu

Dr Jane Wu is a staff specialist at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, in the Department of Rehabilitation. She has an interest in the timing and different models of rehabilitation care. She commenced this study as part of her PhD with UNSW on Early Rehabilitation.