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Conference Sponsors
  • Allergan

  • Ipsen Pty Ltd

  • Mundipharma

  • Restorative Therapies

  • Ipsen Pty Ltd


On behalf of the organising committee I would like to invite you to join us in Sydney from 17 - 20 September 2013 at the 21st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.

We have used our theme Time to Move as a launch pad to develop an interesting and challenging programme exploring various aspects of 'movement' and rehabilitation.

Of course in addition to the scientific programme and workshops, there will be opportunities to catch up with old friends, meet new friends and experience the local sights, sounds and tastes of the Harbour city.

Sydney is always fabulous but in Spring it shines.

I look forward to seeing you in September

Dr Jennifer Mann

ASM 2013 Convenor


Conference Feedback
All conference delegates will be emailed a link to an evaluation at the conclusion of the conference. If you would like to view this survey, please click here
Feedback is important to ensure changes and improvements are made to future conferences. Please keep notes during the conference to assist when filling out the survey. If you have any questions please contact the Conference Secretariat